Why Mobility Scooter Losing Power Uphill? (Explained)

If your mobility scooter has shown slowed performance when driving in an uphill environment, you’re not alone. Since its electric motor is less powerful than diesel engines, the equipment can sometimes find it hard to go uphill. 

Sometimes, motors are no match on the steep uphill because as the vehicle goes upward, it’s like carrying more and more loads. But you see, it’s not a unique problem almost all mobility scooters, especially the non “off-roads” can experience this. The good news is this is not the end of an “uphill battle” because users can do something about it. 

Mobility scooters slow down uphill because their motor isn’t for this type of environment; that’s why they cannot bring the expected power. Other scooter parts that contribute to the slowing down of the vehicle are the wheels and the vehicle’s weight. 

We will discuss later in detail how each part plays a part in slowing down the entire vehicle when riders are driving uphill. But one primary reason I see why the slowing down happens is that riders are not aware that their vehicle type is unsuitable for uphill travels. That’s why this article will discuss the possible and practical solutions that riders can take if they experience this ‘slow’ situation.


What To Do When a Mobility Scooter Loses Power Uphill? 

Pedal the Scooter 

When your mobility scooter loses power uphill, you can use your equipment’s manual mode and pedal your way up. This option is the best thing riders can do if the scooter’s motor continues to slow down after restarting it. If their legs are too weak to pedal, they may ask their companion or carers to do it for them. 

Push It 

There is another way if you don’t want to pedal your way up and still want to try if your mobility scooter can still function. Ask help from your carer or companion to push your scooter upwards to let the motor spin faster and get momentum. This solution doesn’t always work, especially if the motor cannot handle an uphill road, but it is still worth trying. 

Call 911

If you don’t have any companions and are stuck in this uphill situation, you may call 911. Staying longer in this uneasy situation may cause danger; that’s why calling for authorities’ help should be done immediately. Don’t forget to bring a phone with you to ask for help when you need it the most. 


How To Avoid the ‘Uphill’ Problem 

Check Your Mobility Scooter’s Performance 

Before bringing your mobility scooter to an uphill environment, ensure it can ‘survive’ in this place. Ask your manufacturer or mobility shop if your scooter can deal with this challenging environment. Many scooters can only bring their riders on a short distance or in a simple stroll, and your vehicle might be one of these. 

If mobility personnel tell you that your scooter is not for uphill travel, please do not attempt to bring your vehicle there. Doing so might cause severe damages to the scooter or may put you in a dangerous (and costly) situation. 

Bring a Companion 

You can prevent a lot of danger if you can always bring a trusted carer or companion every time you ride on a scooter. They can also be a lifesaver if your mobility scooter slows down uphill because they can help push the vehicle for you. Make sure that this is a trusted companion or carer to ensure your safety, or to be sure, inform others that this person accompanies you. 

Choose ‘Friendlier’ Places 

Even if your mobility scooter can handle an uphill environment, it is best to avoid these types of places as much as possible. Technical problems can always happen on these scooters, and when this happens when you’re uphill, it will be a big headache. The “thrill” that you’re finding on uphill places may cause severe damages to your expensive scooter and even to yourself. 

Other Reasons Why Mobility Scooters Slows Down Uphill 

Tires Have Weak Grips 

The mobility scooter’s motor may handle an uphill environment, but its tires may not manage the job properly because of its worn-out state. Before bringing your scooter uphill, make sure that its wheels are okay, and if not, bring it to a mobility shop to replace its tires. 

Mobility Scooter Is Too Heavy 

Gravity is such a strong enemy that it can turn everything around you as a liability, including your mobility scooter’s weight. The uphill environment you’ve chosen might be too much for your scooter to handle, and the vehicle’s weight slows it down. 


Off-Road Mobility Scooter Recommendations 

Off Road Mobility Scooter  Price 
eWheels EW-52 4-Wheel Mobility Scooter $3,949  
Heartway USA S12X Vita Monster Mobility Scooter  $4,999 
Drive Cobra GT4 Mobility Scooter – 4-Wheel $4,399 
Afiscooter S3 Duo – Two-Seater Mobility Scooter  $5,795 
Afiscooter S4 With Dual Seat by Afikim $5,930 



Mobility scooters slow down uphill for many reasons, and the major one is their motor’s power. But for riders who are stuck in this uphill situation, there are practical ways to bring back the speed of their vehicle. Today, many scooters have powerful features that can easily navigate uphill places, and you may want to check them out. Also if you encounter your mobility scooter keeps cutting out click here.



Can Mobility Scooters go on the Road, Uphill, and Roll Down a Slope?

Why does my scooter suddenly decelerate and stop when I’m going uphill?  

Can Electric Scooters Go Uphill? | FuroSystems

Why Mobility Scooter Losing Power Uphill? (Explained)
Why Mobility Scooter Losing Power Uphill?

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